Thursday, October 25, 2007


To all the volunteers, something to keep you chuckling for a few days. Kate had
her first fall in Moholoholo!!!

Much to the dismay of our new volunteers, Kate
found herself sprawling on the ground after Murphy "saved" her from a killer

wharthog which was about to munch them alive.

There was general concern about the fact that the one supposed to keep everyone else safe, was not able to stay on the horse herself.

All I can say is, "Chocolate cake, anyone??"


Monday, October 8, 2007

Good day to all horse lovers

You’ll love to hear about this opportunity to join Kate van Staden at Whipalong on a Volunteer Horse Program. You’ll also have the opportunity to get involved with the horse rehabilitation program, go on trails, explore the area and much much more.

You could learn more about Whipalong as I’ll give regular details on what is happening….

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