Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Marloes (volunteer) and Kate

Training Faizu

Faizu is very nervous of different riders getting on to his back. We make use
of our more experienced volunteers - like Marloes - to get on him so that he
can realize we are harmless.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Best buddies Marielle and Marloes at "volunteer quarters".

Sammie's Illness

The mystery has been solved.

At first we thought Sam had to many maize cobs for breakfast, but it turns out
that he has tick bite fever.

Thank you Louisa for noticing very early.


Marloes(volunteer) and Kate

Friday, April 25, 2008

Rhino Encounter

Tshukudu Excursion

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Riding Moholoholo

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Marloes and Marielle

Hi from Whipalong

A big thank you to Marloes and Marielle for their hard work during the 3 weeks of
their visit.

You were very brave and adventurous (the first ones to do the "cheetah ride").

Also a big thank you to Colin, Rudi and Tildie from Moholoholo for all their help
and patience.

Talk again soon


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cheetahs at Moholoholo

I have been quiet for a long time, sorry about that, I will try to do better from now on.

Where to start with all the latest news?

Two cheetahs have been released on Moholoholo. Although the cheetah do not see us or the horses as prey, the horses do not seem to realise that. At this stage they are reacting quite a bit - the famous "fright, flight, fight" instinct is kicking in here. We hope to have photies soon, at this stage we need both hands on the reins.

Secondly after 45 years of living in the bush I have apparently been bitten by a spider, not a pleasant experience at all. Have not been able to use my right hand properly for quite some time - extremely frustrating.

Annika, thanks so much for the letter and cd with photos, I really like your dog and is looking forward to meeting him/her in July.

Keep well everyone. Will talk again soon.
